What Are the Most Common Commercial Drainage Issues?

Underground drainage pipe

Drainage issues are a common problem for commercial properties. Improper drainage can lead to water damage, foundation problems, and mould growth. It is important to be proactive in addressing drainage issues to avoid these costly problems.

What Are the Most Common Commercial Drainage Issues?

Several different things can cause commercial drainage issues. Sometimes, it may be something as simple as a build-up of grease or hair. In other cases, such as a broken pipe, it may be a more serious issue. Here are some of the most common commercial drainage issues:

1. Grease Build-up

Grease is one of the most common causes of clogged drains. When the grease cools, it can harden and stick to the sides of pipes. Over time, this can build up and cause a blockage.

2. Hair

Hair is another common cause of clogged drains. It can easily become tangled in the pipes and cause a blockage.

3. Food

Food can also cause drains to become clogged. When food is washed down the sink, it can stick to the sides of the pipes and cause a blockage.

4. Soap

Soap can also cause drains to become clogged. When soap is mixed with water, it can form a sticky film that can adhere to the sides of pipes. Over time, this can build up and cause a blockage.

5. Broken Pipes

Broken pipes can also cause drains to become clogged. They can leak water into the surrounding soil, seeping into the pipes and causing a blockage.

How to Prevent Commercial Drainage Issues?

Most businesses will eventually have to deal with some form of commercial drainage issue. It could be a simple clog in a sink or toilet or a more serious issue like a broken pipe. Whatever the problem, it’s important to prevent commercial drainage issues before they happen. Here are a few tips to help prevent commercial drainage issues:

1. Inspect Your Property Regularly

Make sure to inspect your property regularly for any signs of drainage issues. Look for pooled water, wet spots on the ground, and any cracks or holes in your foundation.

2. Fix Any Problems Immediately

If you find any drainage issues, it’s important to fix them immediately. Ignoring the problem will only worsen and lead to expensive repairs down the road.

3. Install a Drainage System

Consider having one installed if your property doesn’t have a drainage system. A drainage system will help to redirect water away from your property and can help to prevent flooding and other water damage.

4. Keep Your Gutters Clean

One of the most common causes of drainage issues is clogged gutters. Make sure to clean your gutters regularly to prevent them from becoming blocked.

5. Be Careful with Landscaping

When landscaping your property, be careful not to block any drains or gutters. Also, avoid planting trees and shrubs too close to your foundation, as their roots can damage your property’s drainage system.


Drainage issues can arise in any commercial setting. It is important to be aware of the potential problems that can occur and to take steps to prevent them. By taking proper care of your drains and paying attention to any potential problems, you can avoid major issues and keep your business running smoothly.

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